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Committee to Stop FBI Repression leader says “Stop execution of Troy Davis!”

By staff

Grand Rapids, MI – A leader of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression, Tom Burke, condemned the scheduled execution of Troy Davis, Sept. 21.

Burke stated, “The execution of Troy Davis is an outrage. It is a legal lynching. Everyone knows Troy Davis is innocent. Yet the state of Georgia will execute him because they want to spread fear amongst African-Americans and working people. The white elite who control Georgia are repressing African-Americans with violence just like the Old South.”

Burke continued “It does not matter to the politicians or police bigwigs that the actual murderer of the police officer was never caught. They are above the law and their system is corrupt. It may be Obama’s presidency, but in Georgia the racist white elite are smiling and laughing as they snuff out the life of another African-American man. The murder of Troy Davis is going to cause a great upheaval. Enough is enough. It is time for action.”

The Committee to Stop FBI Repression urges it supporters to join the effort to stop Davis’ execution.

#GrandRapidsMI #AfricanAmerican #RacismInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #CommitteeToStopFBIRepression #TroyDavis

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