Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Chicago: Police Jail and Kill Well-Known Activist

By staff

(Fight Back! News/Staff)

Chicago, IL – May Molina, a long-time activist against wrongful imprisonment with the group Families of the Wrongfully Convicted and a founder of Comité Exigimos Justicia (We Demand Justice Committee), died in police custody May 26.

A statement from Comité Exigimos Justicia notes that Molina “has spoken out about wrongful imprisonment and police brutality many times, including at the monthly meeting of the Chicago Police Board. We will be returning there tomorrow to demand justice for May and to show that we will each take on her strength and determination in the face of this murderous system.”

Describing the circumstances of her death, Comité Exigimos Justicia states: “May was in her 50’s, wheelchair-bound, diabetic, asthmatic and had a thyroid condition. Her family made repeated attempts to give police at Area 3 the medications she needed. They refused each time. Her lawyer spoke with her several times, and notified her family that she had become incoherent and needed to be hospitalized last night. The police denied her any form of medical treatment. She died at 5:26 am today.”

Comité Exigimos Justicia will hold a vigil to demand justice for May Molina on May 26 at 2452 W Belmont, at 8 pm. A major press conference will take place at the Police Board meeting, 3510 S. Michigan, at 6:30 p.m. on May 27.

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