Fight Back! News

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Chicago Demands: Prosecute Corrupt & Brutal Cops

By staff

Photo montage of CEJ members

Chicago, IL – Activists in Chicago, led by Comite Exigimos Justicia (CEJ, or the We Demand Justice Committee), marched on Area 5 Police Headquarters on Aug. 16 to demand a meeting with Deputy Chief Dayna Sparks. CEJ has documented frame-ups by Area 5 detectives resulting in the wrongful convictions of dozens of Latino men. Speakers at the protest included recently pardoned death row inmate Aaron Patterson and community activist Fred Hampton, Jr. (photo above) Deputy Chief Sparks was not present and later refused to acknowledge receiving letter addressed to her, even though 50 copies were distributed to her representatives. “We’ll keep coming back until they listen,” Angel Rodriguez from CEJ told the crowd. “Together, we can stop police corruption and make sure this doesn’t happen to anyone else!”

#ChicagoIL #News #AfricanAmerican #ChicanoLatino #PoliceBrutality #RacismInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #Area5 #ComiteExigimosJusticia

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