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Chicago protests opposes threatened Koran burning

By staff

Members of SDS and allies rally at UIC against anti-muslim bigotry.

Chicago, IL – Students in Chicago came together today to oppose the threatened Qu’ran burning by the Dove Church in Gainesville, Florida. As part of a nationwide response, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) chapters from the University of Illinois-Chicago, Wright College and Columbia College joined together with others from Northeastern Illinois University, Northern Illinois University and the Palestine Solidarity Group.

As cars driving by honked in support of the protesters, Alaa Saleh, a Palestinian student from Wright College SDS, led the chant: “One, two, three, four! We don’t want your racist wars! Five, six, seven, eight! No to bigotry and hate!” Saleh stated, “It is important to stand up for what is right.”

“These attacks are aimed at the communities who are already victims of U.S. wars and the U.S.-backed occupation of Palestine,” explained Hatem Abudayyeh of the Arab American Action Network.

Abudayyeh continued, “The hate against Arabs and Muslims is not new, and it’s not just in Gainesville and it’s not only members of our community that are targeted. We’re here to take a stand against attacks on Arabs, Muslims and all immigrants.” Kait McIntyre said that it was very powerful for her to know that SDS chapters all across the country were holding protests today.

An activist leads chants with a bullhorn at UIC SDS rally on September 11.

#UniversityOfIllinoisChicago #ChicagoIL #AntiwarMovement #AntiRacism #September11 #Koranburning

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