Appleton, WI: Students host banner-drop in support of Palestinian liberation on Nakba Day
Appleton, WI students drop banner in solidarity with Palestine. (Fight Back! News/staff)
Appleton, WI – On Monday, May 15, Appleton Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) unfurled a banner in the Lawrence University Warch Campus Center to mark the 75th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba – the violent displacement of Palestinian Arabs that continues to this day.
The seven-foot banner read “U.S. gov funds Palestinian genocide” followed by “Free Palestine.” The students also flew a Palestinian keffiyeh to show solidarity with the struggle for the liberation of Palestine.
Appleton SDS made it clear that the U.S. funds the genocidal and Zionist Israeli government, pledging billions of dollars in aid annually, and that all students should join the movement to free Palestine. The message for the liberation of Palestine is opposed even at liberal arts universities like Lawrence. Banners calling for Palestinian liberation and condemning the complicity of the U.S. government have been taken down for two years in a row, showing the necessity for the continued demonstrations of solidarity between students and Palestine’s liberation.
Still, Appleton SDS has remained committed to keeping the anti-war spirit alive as have all chapters nationwide. The students present at the banner drop were reminded that peace cannot be achieved without justice, justice won’t be achieved without a demand, and without a collective and international struggle against all forms of oppression.
“None of us are free until all of us are free. None of us will be free until Palestine is free, from the river to the sea!” said SDS member Adam Fleischer.
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