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Angelina SDS rally and march demands “Education for all!”

By staff

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Lufkin, Texas – Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at Angelina College held a rally and march as part of a national day of action. They marched demanding “Education for all!” on April 13.

“We need college to be publicly funded. The U.S. government should cut money spent on the military budget, especially the military aid given to Israel,” said Ian Cox of SDS, “No one should be indebted for receiving an education. It should be considered a right.”

The students marched across campus chanting, “Drop tuition, not bombs!” and “What do we want? Free tuition! When do we want it? Now!” By the time they arrived at the final rallying point, a crowd of students had gathered.

“We need publicly-funded colleges. We must demand an end to imperialist wars and we must fight for the emancipation of all oppressed nationalities. Only a socialist revolution can ensure free education for all, an end to imperialist wars, and the liberation of all oppressed people,” said the final speaker, Angelica Hernandez of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

SDS members stayed after the rally to answer questions from the crowd of students and distribute flyers.

#LufkinTX #AngelinaSDS

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