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Anaheim Police Department kills man

By Diana Terreros

Anaheim, CA – On Friday, December 27, Anaheim Police Department (APD) killed a 30-year-old man near the intersection of S East Street and E South Street. Four officers from APD were responding to a possible robbery and a replica firearm was recovered at the scene, however it is unclear based on current reports what the victim’s involvement in the robbery was and whether he was holding the replica firearm at the time of the shooting. The name of the victim, the names of the officers, and more details about the shooting have not been released to the public. Several agencies, including the California Department of Justice and APD Major Incident Review Team, are investigating the shooting, but the timeline for the investigation remains unclear.

Community Service Organization, Orange County (CSO OC) has begun investigating the shooting, door knocking in the area to find out more information. The organization hopes to find the victim’s family to support them in their struggle for justice.

This police killing is similar to the recent killing of Noe Rodriguez Martinez, also in his 30s, by Santa Ana Police Department on December 1 near Broadway and 1st Street. The scene of his murder is still scarred with nearly 30 bullet holes where police sprayed him with gunfire for allegedly holding a non-lethal airsoft gun. Similarly, the names of the officers and more details about the killing have not been released.

These killings and the lack of information released to the public regarding them highlight Orange County’s lack of police accountability and transparency. While both Santa Ana and Anaheim have police oversight bodies, they currently lack the power to hold police accountable when they kill. CSO OC is in the process of building a campaign in Santa Ana to demand transparency and accountability, including releasing officer names after police killings.

If you have any information regarding either shooting or you are interested in being involved in the campaign, you can call CSO OC’s hotline at 714-367-6350 or contact them via social media @cso.oc on Instagram and Orange County CSO on Facebook.

#AnaheimCA #CA #InJusticeSystem #PoliceCrimes #PoliceBrutality #KillerCops #CSOOC