Armed Chicanos in Texas lead Black Lives Matter protest
Laredo, TX demonstration against police crimes. (Fight Back! News/staff)
Laredo, TX – On May 30, 200 mostly working-class protesters took to the streets and in front of their city hall to unite in solidarity with Black sisters, brothers and comrades around the U.S. The event was called for and led by Red Wing and was part of the National Day of Protest call made by the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (NAARPR).
The event began with a Fred Hampton chant, “I am! I am! A revolutionary! A revolutionary!” Continuing with the spirit of Hampton, Red Wing activists explained the importance of the Black revolutionary.
Dozens marched and chanted to demand justice and accountability from local governments and law enforcement that have seen nothing but budget increases. Some of the chants included, “Black lives matter!” and “Whose streets? Our streets!”
Armed Chicanos guarded the oppressed nationalities who were protesting. A sign nearby them explained, “Why are we armed? Last August a fascist drove over 600 miles from Dallas to El Paso to kill brown people. Specifically, 20 people died and many more were injured. Far-right counter-protesters have been known to become violent. We arm ourselves because we believe in our right to self-defense.”
Further south along the U.S.-Mexico border in the Rio Grande Valley, another group in Edinburg also mobilized in front of city hall. The Edinburg event had over 100 protesters.
The Rio Grande Valley and Laredo are home to a strong Border Patrol and ICE presence. Residents in the area live in a constant class divide and undocumented people have their humanity held over their head.
Organizers will be back in action to keep the pressure on the government to meet demands for more funding. South Texans are organizing and preparing to keep each other safe during the escalating struggle.
#LaredoTX #PeoplesStruggles #PoliceBrutality #BlackLivesMatter
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