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News and Views from the People's Struggle

All out for the March on the RNC: National mobilization meeting

By staff

Milwaukee, WI – The Coalition to March on the RNC is hosting a national online event titled “All Out for the March on the RNC!” The program takes place on Monday, June 24, at 8 p.m. Eastern time (7 p.m. Central, 6 p.m. Mountain, 5 p.m. Pacific). You can register to receive the Zoom link here:

The event will feature speakers reporting on their organizing in different movements, giving updates on the Coalition's work, and explaining mobilization plans.

“Many students and youth are making plans to travel to Milwaukee to protest the reactionary and racist agenda of Trump and the Republican Party on Monday, July 15, 2024. We need to beat back the Republicans’ vicious attacks on immigrants, labor unions, LGBTQ people, education, the environment and more,” said Chrisley Carpio of National Students for a Democratic Society.

“Trump seems to want to outdo himself with a second term,” Carpio continued, “He is even talking about getting rid of the Department of Education and funds for public college completely. We won't stand for it!”

“We are enthusiastic about a big mass march leading right to the front doors of the convention where Republicans will hear us chanting against their bigoted, backwards agenda. People are coming from across Wisconsin, across the Midwest, and from coast to coast to protest the arch-reactionary Trump,” explained Omar Flores, spokesperson for the March on the RNC.

Featured speakers are Omar Flores of the Coalition to March on the RNC, veteran Chicano liberation movement leader Carlos Montes, Chrisley Carpio of the National Students for a Democratic Society, Robynne Johnson with Minnesota Abortion Action Committee and Tom Burke of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

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