Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Labor Resolution in Solidarity with the Tampa 5

By staff

Fight Back! is circulating the following “Solidarity with the Tampa 5” resolution voted up by the union delegates to the West Central Florida Labor Council (WCFLC). President Jim Junecko of the WCFLC, AFL-CIO sent the resolution to Florida State’s Attorney Susan Lopez asking she direct Prosecutor Justin Diaz to drop the charges. Resolution in Solidarity with the Tampa 5

WHEREAS the West Central Florida Labor Council dedicates itself to improving the lives of working families, bringing fairness and dignity to the workplace and securing social equity in the Nation;

WHEREAS we support union workers, students and advocates who stand with labor, stand for social equity and against injustice;

WHEREAS on March 6, 2023, worker and student protestors at the University of South Florida rallied against anti-union and anti-higher education legislation being pushed by Governor DeSantis and other extremists wishing to hurt our unions and hurt higher education;

WHEREAS as a result of the rally, police arrested and harmed peaceful protestors wishing for USF administration to stand for social equity, against harmful legislation;

WHEREAS five individuals were subsequently arrested, their names being students Gia Davila, Lauren Pineiro, Laura Rodriguez, Jeanie K as well as AFSCME Local 3342 member Chrisley Carpio and charged with trumped up charges, facing possible jail time by a Governor DeSantis-appointed State Attorney;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the West Central Florida Labor Council supports the demands by labor and community advocates calling for Hillsborough County 13th Judicial District Attorney Susan Lopez and prosecutor Justin Diaz to drop the charges on the Tampa 5.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the West Central Florida Labor Council stands with AFSCME Local 3342 in supporting union member Chrisley Carpio in her grievance process in getting reinstated and made whole.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, the West Central Florida Labor Council will take the following two (2) actions:

1. We resolve to mobilize labor activists to protests on the dates of the Tampa 5’s court appearances and trial, starting with July 12th, the next court appearance.

2. We resolve to reach out to and gain the public support of elected officials who have jurisdiction over USF campus where this injustice occurred.

Passed and adopted by WCFLC Executive Board on June 29, 2023.

#TampaFL #Labor #PeoplesStruggles #PoliticalRepression #Tampa5