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Milwaukee demands district attorney sign pledge to not prosecute abortion cases

By staff

Milwaukee march in defense of abortion rights.

Milwaukee, WI – On Saturday, February 18, Reproductive Justice Action Milwaukee (RJA-M) held a march in downtown Milwaukee with a rally outside the Safety Building. Milwaukee County District Attorney John T. Chisholm’s office is located in the Safety Building and Chisholm was the target of the event.

Chisholm previously made a statement that he would not prosecute abortion cases in Milwaukee County. RJA-M is calling on Chisholm to put that statement into writing.

Exactly a month earlier on January 18, RJA-M reached out to Chisholm requesting he sign a pledge to not prosecute any person in Milwaukee assisting, providing or receiving abortions. RJA-M included a copy of this pledge when contacting Chisholm and his office. Since the initial email to Chisholm, RJA-M followed up multiple times in four weeks with no response. RJA-M then contacted Chisholm’s office with an email not publicly listed, which resulted in a response of an interest to meet. No meeting has been scheduled as of yet.

“We are here to remind John Chisholm that the city of Milwaukee is watching and we are done waiting. We want safe and sustainable communities for all, and one step towards that is ensuring that all individuals can receive abortion care without being criminalized,” said Molly Lynn, of RJA-M.

The speakers at the Safety Building also included representatives from Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Students for a Democratic Society – UWM, and the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. Each organization called on Chisholm to sign the pledge.

#MilwaukeeWI #AbortionRights #ReproductiveJusticeActionMilwaukeeRJAM

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