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Thousands march in Milwaukee for reproductive rights

By staff

Thousands rally and march in Milwaukee after the Supreme Court overturned federa

Milwaukee, WI – On June 24, nearly 3000 people rallied in Dontre Hamilton (officially known as Red Arrow) Park to take back the right to abortion. Earlier that day, the U.S. Supreme Court dealt a blow to women’s and reproductive rights by overturning Roe v. Wade. This meant the ability to get a safe and legal abortion would now be determined by individual state governments.

The Court’s decision unearthed Wisconsin State Statute 940.04, an infamous anti-abortion law from 1849 which states, “Any person, other than the mother, who intentionally destroys the life of an unborn child is guilty of a Class H felony.” Healthcare providers such as Planned Parenthood Wisconsin had to immediately stop providing this necessary procedure.

“Hey hey, ho ho, abortion bans have got to go!” chanted the massive crowd as they marched from the park to the Milwaukee Courthouse. They were joined by another group of marchers from a Planned Parenthood rally out of Humboldt Park.

Lindsay Hamann, representing Freedom Road Socialist Organization, took to the steps of the courthouse. “The right to abortion, like all other rights, was won as a result of the blood, sweat and tears of the working-class and oppressed nationality masses fighting like hell,” said Hamann. “Don’t seek to quell the things you’re feeling right now. Harness them. Use them as our forebears in the struggle have, to guide you into the action to fight for the world we need. It is only through organized struggle together that we will overcome and advance from this setback.”

The rally was hosted by Freedom Road Socialist Organization and Party for Socialism and Liberation, with informational tables provided by Planned Parenthood Wisconsin.

#MilwaukeeWI #RoeVWade #reproductiveRights #AbortionRights

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