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Over 1000 march in Jacksonville in defense of reproductive rights

By staff

Jacksonville protest defends abortion rights.

Jacksonville, FL – Over 1000 people gathered in emergency response at the Duval County Courthouse, downtown Jacksonville, just hours after the Supreme Court announced their decision to overturn Roe v. Wade on Friday, June 24.

The mass protest and march were coordinated by the Jacksonville Community Action Committee (JCAC), Women’s March North Florida, Florida Access Network. Florida House Representatives Angie Nixon and Tracie Davis attended and spoke against the Supreme Court decision.

Powerful speakers shared their struggles with reproductive healthcare in the U.S. Nixon and Davis rightfully exposed the lack of resources that already exist in the U.S that burden and oppress our society, such as the lack of affordable housing, adequate healthcare, education, baby food and other necessity shortages happening across this country. These burdens disproportionately affect Black, brown, LGBTQ+ and immigrant peoples.

Tionna Jefferson, with Students for Democratic Society (SDS) said, “We are at a pivotal time in history, rent is at an all-time high, wages have stagnated, healthcare is a luxury, and now we don’t even get to make decisions about our own bodies, with all of these attacks on us, the poor and working class.”

Monique Sampson, representing the JCAC also expressed how at this time it is still relevant to hold the police accountable. Sampson said, “We in the police crimes movement must continue to take the streets and speak out against these unjust rulings. The cops that brutalize us will be the cops that enforce this ruling.”

After the speeches, the crowd marched through downtown Jacksonville roaring and echoing the streets with chants, “Abortion is a right! Fight! Fight! Fight!” and “They say no choice! We say pro-choice!” The march ended with a few more speakers and the next steps on how to get involved. Other protests were planned in the city throughout the weekend in response to the Supreme Court decision.

#JacksonvilleFL #PeoplesStruggles #abortion #AbortionRights

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