Anakbayan-USA holds 3rd congress
Mark Napieralski (right) \(Fight Back! News/staff\)
Los Angeles, CA – On November 30, Anakbayan-USA had their Third Congress, with more than 200 members from 12 chapters across the country in attendance. They learned lessons on solidarity, talked about the economic situation in the United States and reported back on the progress being made on a national and local level.
Anakbayan-USA had three national organizations they invited to speak on their “International Solidarity” panel: the Palestinian Youth Movement, Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, and National Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).
CISPES and PYM spoke on bridging the gap between the community and activist organizations, and activities they do, such as trauma healing, in order to get both young and old more integrated into the work. National SDS’s speaker, Mark Napieralski, talked about attacks against immigrant communities in the United States and how the struggle to save DACA must be concerned around building policies to protect all people on campuses.
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