Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Day 11: Rosemary Williams still in her home

By staff

Vows to fight to keep it

A photo of Rosemary Williams with supporters on her front porch.

Minneapolis, MN – About 40 supporters and neighbors of Rosemary Williams gathered at her home here, Aug. 18 to hear an update on the latest developments in the negotiations with her mortgage holder GMAC and plans for future actions.

“As negotiations with GMAC and Rosemary Williams continue, we are getting a peek into the dirty world of finance. Names mentioned so far include GMAC, MERS, the bankrupt Lehman Brothers and Aurora Loan Services. These corrupt financial institutions are all lining up to skim their dollars off a family’s misery and the downfall of our communities,” noted a statement from event organizers.

Rosemary Williams stated that she would the fight until she got her home back in her name. Mick Kelly, of the Minnesota Coalition for a People’s Bailout, urged people to join the protest at the Mayors office that is scheduled for Aug. 19.

Since Aug. 7, hundreds of people have come out to support Rosemary Williams to save her family home. Williams has lived on the block for 55 years. She has spent a year speaking out against foreclosure and evictions on every level, always noting that she has not been fighting just for herself but others in the same situation.

On Aug. 7, Sheriffs came to the Williams house, forcing her and her family out. The house was quickly reopened and an around the clock sit-in has been taking place ever since.

A photo of Mick Kelly from the MN Coalition for a People's Bailout

#MinneapolisMN #News #MinnesotaPeoplesBailoutCoalition #Foreclosures #RosemaryWilliams #HousingStruggles #GMAC #Evictions

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