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Orlando mourns children of Gaza, construct city hall steps memorial

By Jacob Muldoon

Orlando Peace Memorial at City Hall.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Orlando, FL – On June 15, Orlando for Peace, with the support of civic organizations around Central Florida, created a Memorial for the Children of Gaza on the steps of Orlando City Hall. The event, held the day before Father’s Day, was to remember and mourn the over 15,000 Palestinian children murdered by Israel.

Protesters continue pushing for the city of Orlando and elected officials, including Congressman Darren Soto and President Biden, to support a ceasefire now and end U.S. complicity in and funding of the genocide of Palestinians.

“The genocide of children committed by the Israeli occupation in Palestine is an attack on all of our children. Every child deserves to grow up and have the opportunity to see their dreams come to fruition,” said Lamia Moukaddam, an organizer with Central Florida Queers for Palestine.

“The killing of Palestinian children has been the Israeli modus operandi since 1948,” explained Cassia Laham, an organizer with the Orlando district of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

Braving thunderstorms, over 40 people, including families and children of many nationalities, gathered at the steps of Orlando City Hall, listened to speeches, and read out the names of the thousands of children murdered by Israel.

“Black and brown and queer folks must stand up for our siblings and comrades being harmed by the same systems that aim to harm us,” said Kleoptra Blck, an organizer with All Black Evrrrthang. A child led the crowd chanting, “Free, free Palestine!''

The organizations that cosponsored the Orlando for Peace event were Central Florida Queers for Palestine, Freedom Road Socialist Organization – Orlando, All Black Errrythang, Amnesty International Orlando, Healing our Homeland, CAIR Florida, and Partners for Palestine.

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