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Coalition to March on DNC threatens lawsuit as Milwaukee government denies democratic rights

By staff

Coalition to March on the DNC press conference announces plans to sue the city

Milwaukee, WI – On the evening of January 27, organizers for the Coalition to March on the DNC held a press conference outside City Hall to announce their intention to sue the city if their permit to rally and march is not delivered. Despite having reserved the rotunda inside the building, the press conference was forced to be held outside.

This was the result of a city council representative not booking the room for that evening, even after all proper procedures were followed by the Coalition. This is further proof that the City of Milwaukee is trying to silence the freedoms of speech and assembly of the people.

During the press conference, Ryan Hamann, spokesperson for the Coalition, described the plans to sue if the city remained silent on the issue of permits. The Milwaukee Police Department has met with the Secret Service for the past six months to discuss security parameters for the DNC.

The city’s current plans encompass a large portion of the western segment of downtown Milwaukee, according to a recent announcement. These plans were announced over a week ago, with the claim that permit applications would begin to be addressed. No update has been given to the Coalition on their application, however.

“Mayor Barrett and his administration want a certain image presented of Milwaukee when the DNC comes to town in July,” Hamann said about the lack of response by the city administration. “They don't want protests; they don't want demonstrations. They want to pretend that Milwaukee is a city without problems.”

The ball is now in the court of the city government and Mayor Tom Barrett. So far, his office remains silent on the subject, while continuing its multi-million dollar efforts to roll out the red carpet for the DNC and its corporate backers. The Coalition will continue forward with a lawsuit if the city continues to deny the constitutional rights of its citizens. They are consulting with a number of civil rights attorneys. This most recent slight will only serve to bolster their case.

No matter the outcome, the Coalition to March on the DNC will continue its preparation for the rally and march on July 13, 2020.

Another action is being planned for the end of February that will involve city hall. The Coalition has no intention of being ignored.

“There are real issues affecting not just the people of Milwaukee, but people everywhere around this country,” Hamann said. “With the demands that comprise our points of unity, we can run Trump out of office and move towards a brighter tomorrow for all working-class and other oppressed people.”

#MilwaukeeWI #InJusticeSystem #US #PeoplesStruggles #DemocraticNationalConventionDNC #PoliticalRepression #Elections #CoalitionToMarchOnTheDNC

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