Chicanos protest raids and deportations
Los Angeles, CA – A protest on June 29, at the busy intersection of Soto Street and César E. Chávez in Boyle Heights, demanded an end to ICE raids and deportations. Attended by 30 people, the participants included students, parents and Centro CSO. The protest was energetic and extremely well-received by locals, people driving by, public transportation bus drivers and everyone in between.
Chanting, “When I say, ‘Stop the raids’ you say, ‘Now!’ Stop the raids! Now! Stop the raids! Now!” and “Dump! Trump!” the energetic protest gathered much support. One Boyle Heights resident joined after hearing the chant, “¡Aquí estamos, y no nos vamos! ¡Y si nos echan, nos regresamos!”
Called by the Boyle Heights community group Centro Community Service Organization (Centro CSO), the event was in response to a call to action made by the Legalization for All Network. Also joining the protest was the parent group Eastside Padres Contra La Privatización.
Leading chants was LAUSD school bus driver and member of Centro CSO, Luis Sifuentes. Sifuentes read Know Your Rights information into the bullhorn like, “Don't open the door! Ask for a court-signed and dated document! When people heard about the information, they stopped and asked Centro CSO members for further Know Your Rights information.
“They’ve yelled at me to go back to my country!” said Eloisa Galindo of Marianna Avenue school in East LA. “But all of my children are from here! We’ve created a new life here, and no one has the right to tell us to go anywhere, and neither does Trump!”
The group spoke about the horrible conditions in the overcrowded ICE detentions centers and called for releasing the families and children. The Trump administration has also threatened to continue with ICE raids and deportations after the 4th of July. “We will be removing large numbers of people. Starting in a week after, you know, sometime after July 4th,” Trump said.
Centro CSO condemns these threats and advocates for legalization for all. The crisis at the border must also be protested. If you or your organization plan on having an action, you are encouraged to message and unite with Legalization for All (L4A).
If you live in Los Angeles or Boyle Heights, join Centro CSO at our next monthly meeting – July 17, 6 p.m. at the Benjamin Franklin Library. CSO meets at the library the third Wednesday of every month. For any questions text or call 323-943-2030 or email