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New York celebrates 50 years of the PFLP

By staff

Participants in New York event 'The Palestinian Revolutionary Left"

New York, NY – Around 50 people gathered on Dec. 11 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), at an event titled The Palestinian Revolutionary Left.

Organized by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, the event featured a recorded address from Leila Khaled, member of the PFLP’s Political Bureau, and a live stream with Khaled Barakat, international coordinator of the Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat. The speakers discussed the history of the PFLP, their ideology, and the importance of ongoing struggle against Israel, the U.S., and Arab reaction.

First, a recorded address by Leila Khaled played for the audience. In her speech, Khaled talked about the history and ideology of the PFLP. Regarding the PFLP’s ideology, Khaled said, “This is according to a vision, based on progressive thinking, in which I mean Marxism.” She stated that at the time of the PFLP’s formation, Marxism was new to the Palestinian people, but that it was a powerful tool for having an understanding of their enemies and conditions, leading to the success of their organization.

Next, Khaled Barakat spoke to the crowd via live stream. Barakat discussed the 1917 fight against the Balfour Declaration and British colonialism, as well as the Palestinian movement up to the present day. He stressed that for 100 years, the Palestinians have not given up their struggle. Barakat cited the recent defeat of ISIS in Syria and Iraq as examples of the weakening of the Zionist, imperialist camp.

Barakat stated, “Names could change from Balfour to Trump, after 100 years, but the representatives and the interests of this game is still the same.”

The event closed out with a questions and answer session with Barakat, including lively discussion about current events.

#NewYorkNY #PopularFrontForTheLiberationOfPalestine #Palestine #SamidounPalestinianPrisonerSolidarityNetwork #MiddleEast

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