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Family and friends rally, demand justice for Dillon Taylor

By C. R. Manor

Video exposes brutal police killing

Salt Lake City, UT – The family of Dillon Taylor organized a rally on June 13, demanding justice for Dillon Taylor. Taylor was shot down by SLC police officer Bron Cruz in August of 2014 in the presence of his brother and cousin as they exited a 7-Eleven. Taylor was unarmed, had committed no crime, but was reported as being suspicious by a person who called 911.

Since the shooting, the body camera footage from Officer Bron Cruz has made waves online through social media. The footage clearly shows Taylor complying with Cruz’s instructions to show his hand. When Taylor lifts his shirt, Cruz shoots twice, mortally wounding Taylor. Taylor’s shirt showed no signs of bullet holes, as he was holding it up with both hands.

What the body camera shows next is Cruz rolling Taylor’s limp body over and immediately handcuffing him. Cruz then proceeds to search Taylor, saying “What were you reaching for?” Several minutes go by before Cruz attempts to provide first aid. The footage shows Cruz rolling Taylor over, his face is now covered in his own blood, and using gauze to wipe away blood from the entry wound. The evidence is clear; Cruz left Dillon Taylor to die in a pool of his own blood.

Taylor’s brother and cousin were detained in handcuffs for several hours by Salt Lake City police. They were kept in isolation and were not notified that Taylor had died from Cruz’s bullets. The family has now filed lawsuits for civil rights violations on behalf of Taylor, and both his brother and cousin.

In the aftermath of the shooting, the SLC District Attorney justified the shooting according to the letter of the law. In Utah, the law states a police officer can use deadly force if the officer “reasonably believes” their life is in danger. Now-resigned police Chief Chris Burbank affirmed that Cruz’s actions were “the appropriate force necessary.”

The rally was called for on location of Taylor’s shooting, bringing out around 50 of Dillon Taylor’s family, friends and community supporters. The group marched around the busy intersection, chanting “No justice, no peace, no killer police!” and “If you can’t respect us, you can’t protect us!”

The rally ended with a moment of silence in the spot where Dillon Taylor’s life was ended.

Dillon Taylor full length Body Camera[GRAPHIC CONTENT]

#SaltLakeCityUT #PoliceBrutality

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