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Baltimore students march on city hall, demand justice for Freddie Gray

By Michael Sampson

Baltimore, MD – Well over 2000 students from various colleges and high schools here marched on city hall today, April 29. Defying attempts from police and the city government to shut down the demonstration, they demanded Justice for Freddie Gray and an end to police terrorism. The protesters marched from Baltimore Penn Station to downtown Baltimore.

They chanted, “Can't stop, won't stop, til killer cops in cell blocks!” as well as, “Indict, convict, send those killer cops to jail. The whole damn system is guilty as hell.”

The organizer of the protest, Baltimore United, called for the arrest of the killer cops who murder African Americans as well as for an end to the Maryland Police Bill of Rights, a reactionary policy in Maryland that protects cops from paying for their crimes.

Danielle Williams, a Baltimore resident who attended the march said, “I'm here for my city and black people as a whole to stand for justice.”

Williams continued, “The police aren't here to protect us. They're here to protect property. They aren't here to protect us.”

Protesters have pledged to stay in the streets until justice is served.

#BaltimoreMD #AfricanAmerican #PoliceBrutality #FreddieGray #BaltimoreUnited

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