Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Support the Colombian Peace Process, Free Ricardo Palmera!

By National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following March 24 statement from the National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera.

We support the Colombian Peace Process and the people’s movements of Colombia in the struggle for peace with justice. We call for an end to the repression of the Marcha Patriótica and other social movements and groups in Colombia now.

We demand an end to Plan Colombia

We oppose the U.S. interference and military intervention in Colombia, called Plan Colombia. We demand the U.S. government stop funding, arming, training, and directing the Colombian military. Bring the U.S. military advisors and troops in Colombia home now, and end the extraditions of Colombians to the U.S.

We demand the U.S. release Ricardo Palmera

Ricardo Palmera, popularly known as Simon Trinidad in Colombia, is a political prisoner of the U.S. government. Palmera is being tortured in solitary confinement in the Florence, Colorado supermax prison. Palmera beat the U.S. government in three out of four court trials.

As the negotiations between the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia—People’s Army (FARC-EP) and the Colombian government continue in Cuba, Ricardo Palmera is needed in the process. Palmera participated in past negotiations, represents the people’s movement history, and is essential to the outcome. The FARC-EP is demanding Ricardo Palmera (Simon Trinidad) be present at the peace talks table. For a lasting peace with justice in Colombia, the U.S. government must release Ricardo Palmera.

The National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera at

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