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Utah stands with Ferguson protesters, demands justice for Mike Brown!

By Ian Decker

Salt Lake City protest against police terror Salt Lake City protest against police terror (Prum Ty)

Salt Lake City, UT – 40 protesters waited in chilling weather for the Ferguson grand jury announcement. They anticipated the failure to indict police officer Darren Wilson for murdering Mike Brown by chanting “From Ferguson to SLC, end police brutality!” and “No justice, no peace, no killer police!” A body-armored Department of Homeland Security officer with an attack dog came over to inform protesters where they could exercise their rights – a clear attempt at intimidation.

Utah Against Police Brutality organizer, Chris Manor, urged protesters, “Remember those killed here in Utah. This includes Dillon Taylor who was unarmed when Salt Lake City police gunned him down outside of a 7-Eleven. Also, Darrien Hunt, a young African American man killed by white police officers after being reported suspicious for cosplaying.” Cosplay, growing in popularity, is dressing as an anime character.

Both police killings in Utah were ruled justified.

Manor stated to the protesters, “What we see here tonight is that these courts don’t give us justice, they just give us justifications for police murders.”

Gregory Lucero of Freedom Road Socialist Organization addressed the rally, “In any city in America, the police are the biggest armed gang. I’m fine walking past any Sureños, Bloods, or Crips, but I fear for my life every time I walk past the biggest street gang here, the Salt Lake Unified Police Department.”

At 7:10, the announcement came that there would be no charges for killer cop Darren Wilson. Boos and jeers erupted from the protesters. As per the wishes of the Michael Brown’s family, those in attendance observed the four and half minutes of silence. The family statement was read out loud: “After the Grand Jury’s decision, we are asking for four and half minutes of silence to remember why we lift our voices. We are not here to be violent. We are here in memory of our son. We are here for protection of all children. We are here to support justice and equality for all people. We lift our voices to ensure black and brown men, women and children can live in this country without being devalued because of the color of our skin.”

After hearing that no charges against Darren Wilson would come, Alyssa Ferris, member of Revolutionary Students Union at SLCC, said, “I was shocked and heartbroken, I live in fear for the safety of the people I love, knowing that the cops can roam around and kill without suffering any consequence.”

Utah Against Police Brutality plans to hold a second rally at the Wallace F. Bennett Federal Building, Nov. 29 at 2:00 p.m. There is also an organizing meeting planned at the Salt Lake City library on Dec. 17.

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#SaltLakeCityUT #MikeBrown

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