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Occupy Wall Street grows: On Oct. 1 thousands march, over 700 arrested on Brooklyn Bridge

By Carolyn Riccardi

On October 1, Occupy Wall Street continued to grow and attract support from new sectors. Thousands marched, and the NYPD arrested more than 700 protesters on the Brooklyn Bridge. These photos show some of the spirit of the occupation and the march, before the NYPD's mass arrests. All photos by Carolyn Riccardi.

(Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) (Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) Teachers at Occupy Wall Street, Oct. 1, 2011

(Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) (Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) Union sign at Occupy Wall Street, Oct. 1, 2011

(Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) (Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) At Occupy Wall Street, Oct. 1, 2011

(Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) (Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) Join us! Sign at Occupy Wall Street, Oct. 1, 2011

(Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) (Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) People are inspired to join the occupation of Wall Street from many other places too.

(Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) (Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) The crowd at Occupy Wall Street, Oct. 1, 2011

(Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) (Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) \"Tax the Rich\" sign at Occupy Wall Street, Oct. 1, 2011

(Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) (Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) Some kids at Occupy Wall Street, Oct. 1, 2011

(Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) (Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) Anti-war protester at Occupy Wall Street, Oct. 1, 2011

(Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) (Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) Some young people at Occupy Wall Street, Oct. 1, 2011

(Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) (Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) \"People before Profits\" sign at Occupy Wall Street, Oct. 1, 2011

(Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) (Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) Sign reads \"Pepper Spray Goldman Sachs\" in response to NYPD pepper spraying of Occupy Wall Street protesters

(Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) (Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) \"Occupy Wall Street is Change I Can Believe In\", Occupy Wall Street, Oct. 1, 2011

(Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) (Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) Occupy Wall Street march, Oct. 1, 2011.

(Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) (Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) NY City Council member Charles Barron and the Freedom Party contingent in Occupy Wall Street march, Oct. 1, 2011

(Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) (Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) An explicit sign in the Occupy Wall Street march, Oct. 1, 2011

(Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) (Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) \"Otro mundo es posible\" \(Another world is possible\) sign at Occupy Wall Street march, Oct. 1, 2011

(Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) (Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) Occupy Wall Street march on the Manhattan side of Brooklyn Bridge just before entering on the bridge, Oct. 1, 2011

(Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) (Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) An Occupy Wall Street marcher on the Brooklyn Bridge, as the marchers take over the entire bridge, Oct. 1, 2011

(Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) (Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) \"Wall Street is Destroying America\" sign at Occupy Wall Street march, Oct. 1, 2011

(Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) (Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) Occupy Wall Street march of thousands takes over the Brooklyn Bridge, Oct. 1, 2011. The NYPD then arrested more than 700 people on the bridge.

(Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) (Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) Occupy Wall Street march, Oct. 1, 2011

(Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) (Photo by Carolyn Riccardi) \"They only call it class struggle when we fight back\" sign at Occupy Wall Street, Oct. 1, 2011

#WallStreetNewYorkNY #NewYorkNY #CapitalismAndEconomy #InJusticeSystem #OccupyWallStreet

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