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Huge May Day march in Los Angeles

By Carlos Montes

Fight grows for ‘Legalization Now’

Huge march fills the street

Los Angeles, CA – 250,000 people marched in the streets here, May 1, demanding immigrant rights. Most of those attending were Mexican and Central American families, along with contingents from the Philippine and Korean communities. A queer contingent also had a visible presence.

The huge march here and the massive turnouts for May 1 protests around the country show that there is an upsurge in the movement to obtain legalization for all undocumented workers.

The march was organized by May 1 2010 United, a coalition of all the major immigrant rights groupings, such as the Southern California Immigration Coalition along with community, human rights group and trade unions, including the LA County Federation of Labor.

Carlos Montes and other activists in the streets for immigrants rights

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#LosAngelesCA #MayDay #AsianNationalities #ChicanoLatino #SouthernCaliforniaImmigrationCoalition

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