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Students ready to protest eight years of U.S. occupation in Afghanistan

By Daniel Ginsberg

Student anti-war activists across the country are preparing for the Oct. 7 national day of action against the war in Afghanistan.

Initiated by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at the 2009 national convention, the SDS national day of action comes on the eighth anniversary of the war and calls for an immediate U.S. withdrawal and an unconditional end to the occupation of Afghanistan.

About twenty college campuses across the country plan to participate in protests, events and actions.

“Students around the country will be joining together to say no to the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan,” commented Stephanie Taylor, University of Minnesota SDS. “Students are outraged that more money and troops are going to Afghanistan when people here are struggling to afford things like health care and education.”

This past summer SDS passed a resolution called “U.S out of Afghanistan! End the war now!” which urged participation in a national day of action. The resolution states, “Oct. 7 will mark the eighth year that the U.S. has been at war with Afghanistan, under the auspice of fighting 'the war on terror.' In eight years under occupation, tens of thousands of Afghans have been killed by U.S. air strikes, bombs, and bullets, and the Afghani infrastructure has been devastated.”

Enthusiastic about the day of action, Jenae Stainer of Tuscaloosa SDS said, “Oct. 7 is going to be an important day for the anti-war movement. It's time to shift the focus to Afghanistan, a war costing billions of dollars and thousands of lives.”

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