Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Meredith Aby

Minneapolis, MN – This has been a hard week to listen to the news – especially as a mother. I have had trouble sleeping all week thinking about the girls and mothers living in hell in Nigeria.


By Brad Sigal

Clyde Bellecourt of AIM speaks to supporters of Indigenous People's Day

Minneapolis, MN – With Native American activists and other supporters of social justice packing City Hall, the Minneapolis City Council voted unanimously on Friday, April 25 to change Columbus Day to Indigenous People’s Day. Minneapolis is the first city in Minnesota to do so, while Red Wing is about to vote on a similar resolution.


By Chris Getowicz

SDS leads protest against war criminal Condoleezza Rice

Minneapolis, MN – Hundreds of students and community members gathered outside of Northrop Auditorium at the University of Minnesota (U of M), on the evening of April 17, to protest an appearance by Bush White House National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice. Rice was speaking as an invited guest of the University’s Humphrey School of Public Affairs.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – About 300 University of Minnesota students and others came together in front of Northrop Auditorium, April 17, to protest a speaking appearance by Condoleezza Rice. The demonstration was organized by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). Rice, who was Secretary of State under President George Bush, was one of the main architects of the war on Iraq.


By Chris Getowicz

Protest flyer

Minneapolis, MN – The University of Minnesota Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) are organizing an April 17 protest to coincide with a speech by Condoleezza Rice – a close aide of George Bush and a war criminal to boot.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Over 30 people attended an educational forum on the current crisis in Ukraine on March 28 at Mayday Books.


By staff

Anti-War Committee program “The War Next Door: US Role in Colombia's Civil War"

Minneapolis, MN – The Twin Cities-based Anti-War Committee (AWC) held a program called “The War Next Door: U.S. Role in Colombia's Civil War,” March 22 here at May Day Bookstore. Speakers included Eden Yosief, of SEIU Healthcare, who recently traveled to Colombia, along with AWC organizers Jess Sundin and Meredith Aby-Keirstead.


By Brad Sigal

Dreamers hablan en la reunion el 14 de marzo apoyando las licencias para todos

Minneapolis, MN – Con la nueva sesión legislativa en marcha, la campaña para las licencias de conducir para todos se está reanimando en Minnesota. El movimiento por los derechos de los inmigrantes está movilizándose para presionar a la legislatura estatal y al gobernador Dayton para que aprueben una propuesta de ley que otorga igualdad básica a los inmigrantes en el asunto de las licencias de conducir.

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By Matt Boynton

Students protest U of M President Kaler at Coffman Union second floor unveiling

Minneapolis, MN – On March 12, 35 students interrupted a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the University of Minnesota to protest the lack of real diversity on campus. The protest was organized by a new student group called Whose Diversity? and was supported by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).


By Brad Sigal

Dreamers speak at the March 14 meeting for drivers licenses for all in Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN – With the new legislative session underway, the drivers licenses for all campaign is kicking back into high gear in Minnesota. The immigrant rights movement is mobilizing to press the state legislature and Governor Dayton to pass a bill that would grant basic equality for immigrants.