Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Minneapolis June 21 protest says no to new war in Iraq

Minneapolis, MN – Speaking out against a new U.S. war in Iraq was the task of over 50 people who joined an anti-war protest here, June 21, along the sidewalks at Hiawatha Avenue and Lake Street, one of the most visible locations in the city on a Saturday afternoon.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – The organizers of a weekly peace vigil on the Lake Street/Marshall Avenue Bridge are urging people to attend the Wednesday, June 18 vigil as an initial way of speaking out against a new U.S. war on Iraq.


By staff

Sheriff Stanek announces Hennepin County Jail won’t cooperate with ICE hold requests

MIRAC/No More Deportations protest vs Sheriff Stanek on June 4

Minneapolis, MN – On June 11, Hennepin County Sheriff Stanek announced that the Hennepin County Jail will no longer honor Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainer requests, or “ICE holds”, which have resulted in countless deportations against immigrants who are guilty of no crime. The announcement is an about-face for Sheriff Stanek, who in the past has supported close police-immigration collaboration and has campaigned for harsher immigration enforcement in the state legislature. The change in policy for Minnesota’s largest jail follows four years of grassroots pressure from the No More Deportations campaign organized by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC), as well as pressure from many other community organizations, lawyers, and from immigrant families who have spoken out about their experience with deportation.


By Brad Sigal

June 4 No More Deportations protest against Sheriff Stanek, Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – Chanting, “Stanek says deportation! We say no!” 30 immigrant rights activists protested outside Hennepin County Sheriff Richard Stanek’s reelection campaign fundraiser here June 4. Protesters marched around the busy downtown intersection of Nicollet and 9th Street for an hour, while chanting, handing out flyers and engaging the public. Stanek’s fundraiser was inside at the Minneapolis Downtown Council office. Two activists tried to enter Sheriff Stanek’s fundraiser but were immediately confronted by police, threatened with arrest and kicked out.


By staff

Protest at MN Senator Klobuchar’s office against occupation of Afghanistan.

Minneapolis, MN – Twin Cities area peace and anti-war groups held a protest at the office of Senator Amy Klobuchar, May 30, to respond to President Obama’s announcement that the U.S. plans to leave nearly 10,000 troops in Afghanistan. Organized under the call of “Zero Troops in Afghanistan – Bring All the Troops, Drones and War Dollars Home Now,” about 25 people joined the picket.


By Meredith Aby

Minneapolis, MN – President Obama announced May 27, that by 2015 the U.S. will have 9,800 troops in Afghanistan and that by the end of 2016 the U.S. will leave troops to guard the U.S. embassy in Kabul. The next day when Secretary of State John Kerry was interviewed by Chuck Todd on MSNBC, Todd pointed out that “there’s eight more years of that agreement, and the next president, without the authorization of Congress, without seeking new permission from Afghanistan, could end up sending more troops back in” and Kerry agreed that it is possible that the U.S. could send in more troops. He was quick to point out that that decision would be made under a different administration though.


By staff

May 17 anti-war and anti-drone protest in Minneapolis.

Minneapolis, MN – A highly visible anti-war protest was held in Minneapolis May 17, with over 120 people joining the demonstration.


By Chris Getowicz

Minneapolis, MN – Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at the University of Minnesota won a important victory this week, successfully defending itself from administrative sanctions aimed at SDS for its central role in organizing protests at Condoleezza Rice’s April 17 ‘distinguished lecturer’ speaking event.


By staff

Drop the charges against Rasmea Odeh

Tracy Molm of CSFR speaks at Twin Cities Al Nakba protest

Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 people jointed a protest in front of the Federal Building here, May 15, to mark the 66th anniversary of Al Nakba. Organized by the Twin Cites based Anti-War Committee, the demonstration called for an end of U.S. aid to Israel and for justice for Palestinian activist Rasmea Odeh. Al Nakba, Arabic for “the Catastrophe,” marks the Zionist terror that accompanied the mass expulsion of Palestinians from Palestine in 1948 and the founding of Israel.


By staff

Drop the charges against Rasmea Odeh

Minneapolis, MN -The Twin Cities based Anti-War Committee (AWC) will hold a protest, Thursday, May 15 to mark the 66th anniversary of Al Nakba, to call for an end to U.S. aid to Israel and to demand justice for Palestinian activist Rasmea Odeh. Starting at 4:30 p.m. at the Minneapolis Federal Building (300 South 4th Street) the protest will feature speeches by local anti-war, Palestine solidarity and Palestinian activists.