Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Minneapolis protest against U.S. attacks on Syria and Iraq

Minneapolis, MN – Twin Cities peace and anti-war groups held a rally in the West Bank neighborhood, near the University of Minnesota and Augsburg College on Sept. 27. The rally was organized to be a part of a coordinated anti-war campaign in cities across the U.S. Sept. 23-29 to protest the U.S. bombing of Syria and Iraq called by the ANSWER Coalition.


By staff

Minneapolis protesters demand U.S. end wars on Iraq and Syria.

Minneapolis, MN – Over 25 people joined an emergency protest at the Minneapolis Federal Building on Sept. 23 to demonstrate against U.S. bombing of Syria.


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Tarik Rasouli speaking for the MN Peace Action Coalition

Minneapolis, MN – An anti-war protest was held here, Sept. 20, to speak out against the new U.S. military intervention in Iraq and the threat of more U.S. intervention is Syria.


By staff

Minnesota protest demands end to U.S. aid to Israel

Minneapolis, MN – Over 100 people protested against U.S. military aid to Israel over the bridge connecting the Walker Sculpture Garden and Loring Park here, Sept. 13. The protesters were visible to many lanes of traffic as major streets and highways converged below them. After chanting for almost an hour protesters marched to Loring Park for a concluding rally.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On Sept. 10, President Obama spoke to the nation to try to justify increased intervention in the Middle East, using the specter of the upcoming 13th anniversary of 9/11.


By Meredith Aby

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Minneapolis, MN – About 150 people gathered, Aug. 21 on Minneapolis’s West Bank, carrying signs and banners demanding an end the U.S.-backed Israeli siege of Gaza. The demonstration also called for an end to U.S. military aid to Israel and a halt to state sponsored violence “from Ferguson to Palestine.” The rally was organized by the Minnesota Anti-War Committee.


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Minneapolis protest says ‘Let Palestine live’

Minneapolis, MN – About 70 protesters gathered on May Day Plaza in the West Bank neighborhood here, Aug. 11, to stand in solidarity with Gaza. The protest coincided with a three-day ceasefire between the Palestinian resistance and the Israeli occupation forces. About 2000 Palestinians have been killed in the Israeli assault on Gaza.


By Brad Sigal

Minneapolis stands in solidarity with Central American refugee children

Minneapolis, MN – On Aug. 9 immigrant rights activists organized a vigil in Minneapolis as part of an International Day of Action in solidarity with Central American refugee children. Vigils were held in many cities in the U.S., Mexico and Central America. The vigils demanded protection and legal status, not detention and deportation for the tens of thousands of Central American children crossing the border into the U.S. – fleeing violence and extreme poverty in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. The Obama administration is currently focusing on speeding up deportations of the children rather than treating them as refugees that need legal protective status and family reunification.


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Deb Howze of the Welfare Rights Committee at Aug. 9 celebration.

Minneapolis, MN – About 40 members and supporters of the Twin Cities-based Welfare Rights Committee (WRC) came together here, Aug. 9, to celebrate the two-year battle to raise welfare grants. Speaking to the crowd, members of the WRC talked about some of the key protests and actions from the past year and expressed determination to continue the struggle.


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Minneapolis, MN – About 30 people came together here, August 9, to protest the escalating U.S. war on Iraq. Meredith Aby-Keirstead of the Twin Cities-based Anti War Committee told the crowd, “We are here today to say hands off Iraq. The U.S. needs to stop its intervention in Iraq and in the region. Immediately. There is no potential outcome where Iraq will be better off after more U.S.-sponsored death and destruction.”