Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By mick

St. Paul, MN – Kurt Daudt, a politician who has made a specialty out of bashing low-income people, was elected speaker of the Minnesota House of Representatives, Jan.6, by the incoming Republican majority. Outside the House chambers, where the election took place, members of the Welfare Rights Committee loudly demanded that welfare grants be doubled and that aid should be extended to all in need.


By Kim DeFranco

Twin Cites area high school student students march against racist police killing

Minneapolis, MN – Over 200 high school students from Patrick Henry, Hopkins and South High Schools came together here, Dec. 7, to protest racist police killings and the failure to indict the cops who killed Mike Brown and Eric Gardner. The students started at the steps of the Minneapolis Public Library with speeches and spoken word.


By staff

Anti War Committee Human Rights Day protest condemns U.S. sponsored repression a

Minneapolis, MN – The Twin Cities-based Anti-War Committee marked the upcoming International Human Rights Day on Dec. 6 with a community march to highlight the U.S. government’s abysmal human rights record. Chants and speakers addressed the recent grand jury decisions in Ferguson and New York, the U.S. role in funding war and destruction abroad and the consequences of these policies here at home on social spending. Protesters rallied at Bryant Square Park, marched on Lake Street and then had a concluding rally at Karmel West.


By staff

Protesters rally on I - 35, demand end to police brutality.

Minneapolis, MN – About 300 people took to the streets here Dec. 4 to demand justice for Eric Gardner, Mike Brown, Terrence Franklin and others killed by racist police. Massive demonstrations against police terror are taking place in cities across the U.S.


By staff

Huge sit in at South High School demands justice for Mike Brown.

Minneapolis, MN – About 500 students participated in a sit-in at of South High School to protest the grand jury verdict that failed to indict the cop who killed Mike Brown. The sit-in wrapped around the corridors of the entire first floor of the building.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On Nov. 25, more than 500 students and youth gathered in front of the University of Minnesota’s Coffman Memorial Union to demand justice for Michael Brown and all other victims of police brutality.


By staff

Minneapolis protest demands justice for Michael Brown

Minneapolis, MN – An estimated 5000 people marched here, Nov. 25, in the wake of the Ferguson, Missouri grand jury decision to not indict the cop who murdered Mike Brown.


By Brad Sigal

Minneapolis rally in solidarity with Mexican students

Minneapolis, MN – Students led a march of more than 200 people here Nov. 20 to demand justice for the 43 disappeared student activists from the rural teacher’s college in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero in México. Students came from several area colleges and high schools and many community members marched too.


By Brad Sigal

Minneapolis vigil in solidarity with missing Mexican students

Minneapolis, MN – 50 students and community members gathered for a vigil Nov. 11 in solidarity with the 43 disappeared – and likely murdered – Mexican student activists in Ayotzinapa. The vigil was in front of Coffman Student Union at the University of Minnesota (UMN). Students held signs with the names and pictures of each of the 43 missing students, along with a banner that read, “Say no to repression!” in several languages.


By mick

Demands freedom for Palestinian American leader

Minneapolis protest demands freedom for Rasmea Odeh

Minneapolis, MN – About 40 people rallied here in the midst of a major snowstorm Nov. 10 to demand the immediate release of Palestinian American leader Rasmea Odeh. Odeh was found guilty of a trumped-up immigration charge in Detroit that same day and Federal Judge Gershwin Drain revoked her bail. She will be jailed until her sentencing on March 15, 2015.