Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Speakers at the University of Minnesota People’s State of the University event.

Minneapolis, MN – On the evening of April 2, students, staff and faculty of the University of Minnesota gathered for the People’s State of the University, an event held an hour after the university's official State of the University address given by President Eric Kaler.


By Sarah Martin

Sharon Rice Vaughan

Minneapolis, MN – Sharon Rice Vaughan, a longtime and respected member of Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) and the Twin Cities peace and justice movements, died in a car crash in Havana, Cuba on March 24. Her sudden and untimely death leaves a big hole in our community.


By Meredith Aby

Minneapolis march on 12th anniversary of U.S. war on  Iraq start.

Minneapolis, MN – Around 200 protesters took to the streets here, March 21, to mark the 12th anniversary of the start of the U.S. war on Iraq. The protest called for an end to U.S. military intervention in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere and coincided with national anti-war actions, including an anti-war protest in Washington, DC at the White House on the same day.


By staff

March 12 Mpls protest in solidarity with Palestinian American leader Rasmea Odeh

Minneapolis, MN – 20 people gathered, March 12, on May Day Plaza with signs, banners and Palestinian flags to show solidarity with Palestinian American leader Rasmea Odeh. Earlier in the day, Odeh faced her sentencing hearing in Detroit, Michigan, the conclusion of a political trial where she was unjustly convicted of a trumped-up immigration charge. At the March 12 sentencing hearing, Odeh faced up to 10 years in prison and deportation. 200 of her supporters mobilized in Detroit to attend the sentencing hearing alongside Odeh, including dozens who made the long trip from Minnesota.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Hundreds of Black Lives Matter Minneapolis supporters gathered at the Hennepin County Courts, March 10, to stand in solidarity with the 11 defendants who are being targeted for political prosecution by the City of Bloomington and the Mall of America (MOA).


By Brad Sigal

Stephanie Taylor (standing) of Freedom Road Socialist Organization speaking at T

Minneapolis, MN – About 40 people came together here, March 8, to celebrate International Women’s Day. The program included speakers from the trade union, welfare rights, student and anti-war movements.


By mick

Minneapolis, MN – Midwest anti-war leaders had harsh world to say about Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s March 3 speech to Congress. Netanyahu was invited to speak before Congress by the House Republican leadership, a move that drew fire from the Obama administration and some congressional Democrats.


By staff

Black Lives Matter protest inside Mall of America.

Minneapolis – Over 115 researchers, professors and academics have signed a letter as of March 4 urging charges be dropped against protesters who are being prosecuted by Bloomington City Attorney Sandra Johnson for their attendance at Dec. 20 peaceful demonstration at the Mall of America.


By Meredith Aby

Members of the Anti War Committee who organized the Rock for Rasmea event.

On Feb. 21, the MN Anti-War Committee (AWC) held Rock for Rasmea, a multimedia benefit show, to raise money for the legal defense of Palestinian activist Rasmea Odeh.


By Jess Sundin

Minneapolis protest against islamomophobia in response to  the killing of three

Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 people came out for a protest against islamophobia and racism, Feb. 17, in response to the killing of three Muslim students last week. Gathered at a busy intersection in the heart of the local Somali community, near the University of Minnesota campus, they held signs and chanted for an hour, as temperatures dropped below zero.